Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Ice in Arizona
My research shows that the usual low temperature in Arizona is 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Water freezes when the temperature of it's surroundings is 32 degrees. It was 23 degrees when these photos were taken! Brrrr! This was an unusually cold day in Chandler, Arizona! The ice in these pictures is very unusual, and is the result of freezing temperature and automatic sprinklers!
The photo above is ice on grass. The next photo is a close-up.
Click on the pictures for a larger view. In the photo above, notice how the individual blades of grass are encased in thick ice!
It was so cold that the water from the sprinklers froze as it flowed and as it dripped.
That is one super frozen tree!
These photos were provided for you to see by Keith Emerson!
Thank you Mr. Emerson!
We're all used to seeing hummingbirds zipping around our yards! They move so fast that it's hard to get a good look at them! My friend took these wonderful pictures for me to share with you!
In the photo above, the hummingbird is likely collecting spiderwebs to use in the building of her nest. Have you ever touched a spiderweb, and it stuck to you? That stickiness is the very thing that makes it a perfect glue for Momma bird's nest building!
Here is a terrific link that will describe the construction process for you!
Would you like to know more about hummingbirds? I've added some links below for you to check out!
This photo is called a silhouette. I think this is a very nice outline of the hummingbird. I've added it just for you because it is so pretty!
sil·hou·ette [sil-oo-et] noun,
Definition: a dark image outlined against a lighter background.
All of the photos above were taken by my friend, Jack Thompson.
Thank you, Mr. Thompson!
This is a terrific video produced by National Geographic. If you click on their name it will lead you to the site where I found this video, and lots of other interesting animal videos especially for kids!
Here are a few links that you will enjoy if you would like more hummingbird information!
How to make a hummingbird feeder!
Wikipedia: Hummingbirds
Here is a fun activity for you!
Click on the Connect the Dots to make it larger before you print it! I found it here!
Connect the Dots ~ Hummingbird
Connect the Dots ~ Hummingbird
Saturday, May 28, 2011
What to do if a nest is blown from a tree
My friend Jayme has allowed me to share these photographs and instructions with you.
Recently, while trimming bushes in her yard, she accidentally tore a down a bush that held a robin's nest! Can you tell in the picture below that she is holding the nest with three little fledglings in her hand? Two of the baby birds are easy to spot, because their beaks are open, but look carefully, or click on the picture to enlarge it and see if you can find the third one . . . He's pretty well hidden, isn't he?
Jayme called the experts at the Department of Natural Resources who told her that the safest thing to do in a situation like this, is to relocate the nest as closely as possible to the spot from which it fell. This is a time for adults to help! They will probably use a ladder to place the nest and the baby birds up in a tree and tie it securely with something like Jayme used, a zip-tie. What a great idea!
When I searched for more information for you, I discovered that an adult should try to place the nest at a joint, between two branches.
There are other suggestions in case the nest was somehow destroyed, or you happen to find a baby bird and you can't locate his nest. I have links below for those. Do not climb a tree to put a baby bird back! Ask an adult for help!
Look at the sweet little, contented fledglings! Sound asleep. Their Mother Bird found them in just a few minutes, and they are happily snuggled into their nest in it's new tree.
Recently, while trimming bushes in her yard, she accidentally tore a down a bush that held a robin's nest! Can you tell in the picture below that she is holding the nest with three little fledglings in her hand? Two of the baby birds are easy to spot, because their beaks are open, but look carefully, or click on the picture to enlarge it and see if you can find the third one . . . He's pretty well hidden, isn't he?

There are other suggestions in case the nest was somehow destroyed, or you happen to find a baby bird and you can't locate his nest. I have links below for those. Do not climb a tree to put a baby bird back! Ask an adult for help!

nestling: noun A bird too young to leave its nest.
fledgling: noun A young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers.
nest: noun A container or shelter made by a bird out of twigs, grass, or other material to hold its eggs and young.
As defined by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language.
Thank you Jayme! You have shared such wonderful pictures with us!
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